Saturday, May 24, 2014

2013-14 Annual District Convention Invite

You are invited to the 2013-14 Annual District Convention and Training Workshop scheduled for August 7-9, 2014 in Regina, Saskatchewan. Enjoy the hospitality of the Regina Optimist Clubs and take the opportunity to meet with the District Team led by our Governor, Glen Kreller.

Early Registration Deadline: July 6, 2014

Hotel: Travelodge Hotel and Conference Center, 4177 Albert Street S., Regina, SK S7K 3H5.  Quote Block ID 1251028 and Block Code CGAMSN.  Book your rooms before July 7th.  Call 1-800-578-7878 or 306-586-3443:

    Agenda:  Conference Agenda and Workshop Schedule - TBA
    Theme: "Football Boot Camp".  
    Golf:  Annual "Optimist Golf Game" is being organized for Saturday afternoon, Aug 9th.  $60 includes cart and green fees.
    Children's Program:  $40 per child and must be registered by July 6th.
    Hutterite Colony Tour (includes lunch/transport):  $35 (kids free with parent)

    How to Register:  Just complete a Registration Form and book your room before they are all reserved!

    Submitted by Opt Lyle Merriam, Regina Downtowner's Optimist Club


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