Saturday, March 22, 2014

2013-14 3rd Quarter District Conference & Oratorical Contest Invite

You are invited to the 3rd Quarter District Conference for 2013-14 scheduled for May 16-17 2014 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Enjoy the hospitality of the Saskatoon Optimist Clubs and take the opportunity to meet with the District Team led by our Governor, Glen Kreller.

Early Registration Deadline: April 16, 2014

Hotel: Park Town Motor Hotel, 924 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5.  Use Block Code 139916.  Book your rooms before April 16th.  Call 1-800-667-3999:

Agenda:  Conference Agenda and Workshop Schedule - TBA
Theme: To be announced.  
Golf:  An "Optimist Golf Game" is being organized for Sunday, May 18th at the Legends Golf Course in Warman, SK.

How to Register:  Just complete a Registration Form and book your room before they are all reserved!
Programs:  Kids and Companions programs to be announced

Submitted by Opt Brent Card, Hub City Optimist Club of Saskatoon


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