Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Early Registration is May 3, 2013 for the next AMS&NW District Conference

Invitation & Registration Details: Register before May 3, 2013 for early registration prices of $90/$70/$40 Member/Companion/Child, otherwise add $10 per member/companion at the door.

Just complete a Registration Form and book your room before they are all reserved!

Conference Agenda: 

Alberta – Montana – Saskatchewan – Northern Wyoming Optimist District 
Third Quarter Conference 
May 17 - 18, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013
4:00 – 8:00 PM Registration
5:00 PM Executive Meeting
7:00 - Fun Night (What a night it will be????)

Saturday, May 8, 2013
8:00 AM: Meeting called to order by Zone 6 by Lt. Gov
- Presentation of Flags and National Anthems
- Civic Welcoming Address
- Introduction of Governor
- Appointment of Parliamentarian
- Appointment of Sergeant at Arms
- Introduction of Past Governors
- Introduction of TEAM OPTIMIST
– Lt. Governors and Committee Chairs
- Introduction of First Timers
8:30 AM:  Lt Governors Reports /First Timers Orientation –Roger Lesofski
9:15 AM:  Committee Presentations – Juvenile Curling, Junior Golf, Childhood Cancer Campaign, Youth Clubs, Membership, New Club Building
10:00 AM:  Break
10:15 AM: Oratorical Contest – Shirley Green
Noon Luncheon
- “Building for the Future”
- Optimist International Foundation Awards – DFR- Doug Kirby
- Announcement of Essay Winner with Video – Brian Wallace
- Announcement of Oratorical Winners – Shirley Green
1:15-2:05 PM:  Workshop Sessions – Locations to be announced
- PGI – Jeff Barnhart
- Childhood Cancer Campaign – Edie McInnis
-Youth Clubs – Glen Kreller
- Building a non-traditional optimist Club—Don Morrison
2:10-3:00 PM:  Workshop Sessions
-Membership (are you really recruiting) – Jeff Barnhart
- New Club Building ( Let the new clubs begin) - Glenn Kreller
- Internet Safety - Brian Wallace
3:15 PM:  Meeting Resumes
- District Secretary - Approve minutes of previous meeting and financial report
- LET’S GO to Cincinnati – International Ambassador & Past Gov Ted Huber
- LET’S GO to the AMS&NW Convention in Great Falls - Dan Peterson
- Closing Remarks Optimist Creed
4:00 PM: Club Presidents’ Meeting
7:00 PM:  Governor’s Dinner - Governor Nick Markowsky

Soaring to Greater Heights for Children
 Governor AMS&NW District 13
Nick A Markowsky
462-23 Street East Prince Albert, SK S6V 1P8
Ph 306-764-6199 Fax 306-764-9149


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