Please consider running a club competition and sponsoring a winner to compete in the Zone, Regional and District Speak-offs.
Topic: "Why My Voice is Important"
Who: Students under the age of 19 who have not yet graduated from high school or the equivalent and who are educated in the United States, Canada or the Caribbean.
When: Speak-Off Contests Competitors will participate in a series of "Speak-off Contests" with the finalists moving forward to participate in the next highest level speak-off. These speak-off contests are scheduled so that the finalists will compete in a District Speak-Off:
- Club Speak-off: This is the entry level contest were one or several clubs will conduct a community-level speak-off contest to select one male and female finalist per club to compete at a Zone speak-off.
- Zone Speak-off: The club finalists will compete in a multi-community competition to select a male and female finalist to move forward to compete in a Regional speak-off.
- Regional Speak-off: The zone finalists will compete in a province or state level competition to select a male and female finalist to move forward to compete in the District speak-off.
- District Speak-off: The District Speak-off between the Regional finalists will be held in Calgary, Alberta during the 3rd Quarter District Conference in Billings, MT during the 17-18 May 2013 weekend.
How: Contact Shirley Green (the District Oratorical Competition Chair) for more details. Clubs can find all of the details, instructions, forms and planning guides on the Optimist International Oratorical Contest webpage.