Activities & CPA Chair: Marilyn Bushell (Calgary Dinner)

Marilyn Bushell
& CPA Chair
Res: (403) 248-9181
Marilyn is a past Lieutenant Governor for Zone 6 in 2001-02 (Honor) and 2008-09. She is a BOE helping to build the Traditional Optimist Club of Calgary.
Marilyn served as the first District Juvenile Curling Chair and was instrumental in getting Optimist Juvenile Curling started in Alberta. Marilyn served as the Essay Contest Chair last year and this year has volunteered to serve as the District Secretary-Treasurer and Activities & CPA Chair.
"I became an Optimist to help serve the youth in my area. I ontinue to be part of this organization because of the difference my club is making in the Calgary area by helping youth at all levels. What is I enjoy most about this organization is the people that I have met helping youth in the District and beyond."
As part of the District Services Team, my role is to promote the participation by member Clubs in all of the youth program and community-serving projects sponsored by Optimist International. I'm also responsible to organize the judging of the Club CPA and Scrapbooks at the 1st Quarter District Conference in 2011.

District Bulletin & PR Chair: George Lewko (Prince Albert)

George Lewko
District Bulletin
& PR Chair
Res: (306) 764-9444
George joined in 1986 and has served as Honor Club President (1994-95) and Club President (2009-10). He has also served as Bingo Chair, OptiMart Chair, Newsletter and Website Chair; and he served as Zone 7 Lieutenant Governor in 1996-97.
Why did you become an Optimist? "Dad was a member before me, and loved working with the Optimists."
As a serving webmaster for his club, George runs a website and a facebook page. At the 3rd Quarter District Conference on May 15, 2010, George presented an informative workshop about using 'Vertical Response' as a mass email tool to regularly send out club bulletins to club members. George brings a wealth of experience to the position of District Bulletin Editor.
What is the primary reason you continue to serve as an Optimist? "I enjoy helping kids, and the fellowship is fantastic."
Understanding and utilizing print and online media can greatly extend the reach to the general public that a club needs to ensure a successful project or fund raiser. Club bulletins provide that 'personal touch' and are an excellent tool for members to recruit new members. Besides publishing a regular District Bulletin, George is willing to help any club with publishing a club newsletter and produce press releases.

District Convention Chair: Ray Preston (Prince Albert)

Ray Preston
Convention Chair
Res: (306) 922-2100
Ray is busy planning the Annual District Convention scheduled in Prince Albert for 11-13 August 2011, and he is looking forward to welcoming everyone to Prince Albert next summer.
Why did you become an Optimist? "To meet new people in Town and have a good time."
District meetings are not just about business ... they offer excellent training workshops and opportunities for members to network with fellow members at a wide variety of fellowship activities. Organized as 'bring the family' events, each District meeting offers a 'Companions Programs' for non-member spouses and a 'Kids Program' for the youngsters.
What do you enjoy most about being an Optimist? "The variety of different people and the variety of different projects that serve the kids."

District Foundation Rep: Lyle Merriam (Regina Downtowners)

Lyle Merriam
District Foundation Rep
Res: (306) 771-4229
Lyle joined the Optimist club in White City as a charter member in 1987 and remained a member until its’ closure in 2006. He was President for 3 years during the club’s life, first one 89-90. As President, I became interested in
District involvement and became Lt. Governor in 1992-93. In 2005, he joined the Downtowner’s Optimist Club of Regina and was President in 2008-09.
Lyle served as our District Governor in 2002-03, and has served as District Secretary-Treasurer for Gary Cross in 1996-97, Membership Chair, International Ambassador, Candidate Qualifications Chair and is serving his second consecutive term as the District Foundation Rep. Lyle looks forward to promoting your participating in OI Foundation fund raising.
"I thoroughly enjoy being an Optimist member and Deb and I have attended every convention since 1988 except one due to illness. The friends we have made in every area of the District, as well as at International functions, are amazing."
Many of the OI programs offered by clubs are financially sponsored by the Optimist International Foundation (OIF) and the Canadian Children Optimist Foundation (CCOF). The role of the DFR is to coordinate fund raising efforts for the foundations and on behalf of the foundations recognize those Optimist members who have made significant contributions over the past year. Lyle invites members to participate in the Foundation Workshops at the quarterly District Conferences.

District Supplies (Canada): Brian Wallace (Edmonton Dinner)

Brian Wallace
Supplies Chair
Res: (780) 487-6241
Brian joined in 1981 and has server as a Distinguished Club President (St. Albert 1991-92) and Honor President (Edmonton Dinner 1996-97). and Zone Lieutenant Governor in 1998-99.
Brian has served two terms as District Supplies Chair (2005-09 and 2009-10) and is returning to co-chair Supplies with Loran Salsbury. Brian invites you to purchase Optimist Supplies that will be available at all the District meetings this year.
Why did you become an Optimist? "We needed 25 members to Charter St. Albert and my Dad Keivin was an Optimist."
As part of the District Services Team, our role is to promote the sale of Optimist supplies to members and clubs. We work closely with the staff from the Corall Group, the official supplier of Optimist supplies to operate a supplies table at each of the quarterly District meetings.
What is the primary reason you continue to serve as an Optimist? "Fellowship and find Optimists are a valubable resourse in serving youth. I am involved with Scouting and would not be able to do as much without the Optimist Club."

District Supplies (US): Loran Salsbury (Magic City)

Loran Salsbury
Supplies Chair (US)
Res: (406) 652-6195
As part of the District Services Team, our role is to promote the sale of Optimist supplies to members and clubs. We work closely with the staff from the Corall Group, the official supplier of Optimist supplies to operate a supplies table at each of the quarterly District meetings.

District Web Services: Gordon Welling (St. Albert Breakfast)

Gordon Welling
District Web Services
Res: (780) 966-1815
Gordon has been an Optimist since 1996 and has served as a Club President (Honor) and Club Secretary. Gord is returning this year as Web Services Chair to complete the work he started last year. He hopes to extend web services to better support Zones and Clubs, and invites fellow members to attend his workshops at the District quarterly meetings throughout the coming year.
Why did you become an Optimist? "I was new in St. Albert so I joined to meet people and have fun. "
The mission of District Web Services is to provide a dynamic, accurate and complete online presence for AMS&NW District 13, and to extend web services to Zones and Clubs. I invite you to participate to the Web Services workshops that will be held at the quarterly District Conferences.
What is the primary reason you continue to serve as an Optimist? "I believe that our kids are our future and we can shape our future by influencing how we raise and educate our kids. "