Monday, October 21, 2013

First Quarter Board Update from Gov Glen

A great big Thank You to the Optimists of the great AMSNW District that attended the First Quarter Board meeting in Edmonton this past weekend.  About 104 Optimists and companions registered for the meeting to make it a resounding SUCCESS.

The fellowship and enthusiasm shown at this meeting gives me confidence that we will soon be serving more youth in our communities and in some new communities in the next couple of months.

Regional Vice-President Jim Boyd was with us from Des Moines, Iowa and was very impressed with our District Pride.  He arrived one day early to help us with any New Club Building we had going on.  As there was a request from High Prairie, AB through Optimist International, I took him to High Prairie to meet a future Optimist and formulate the plan to charter a Club.  He now has an idea the distances we drive in our District for meetings and New Club building.

Plan on joining us at the Second Quarter Board meeting in Wolf Point, MT on February 21st and 22nd, 2014.  Registration forms and Hotel rates will be posted on our website shortly.  I look forward to meeting both new Optimists and Optimist friends at this next meeting.

Lets Promise to reach out to more youth and make tomorrows leaders better than todays.

"I Promise"
Governor Glen


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