Friday, February 25, 2011

3rd Quarter District Conference Invitation

You are invited to the 3rd Quarter District Conference scheduled for May 13-14, 2011 in Billings, Montana. Enjoy the hospitality of the Billings Optimist Clubs and take the opportunity to meet with the District Team led by our Governor, Tim Bell.

Early Registration Deadline: May 1, 2011

Hotel: Billings Hotel & Convention Center, 1223 Mullowney Lane., Billings, Montana, U.S. Call (406) 248-7151 or 1-800-537-7286 for reservations.

Both a "Kids" and a "Companions" Program will be available so you can bring the entire family. The theme is "Western Days" featuring a Friday night of skill and chance with prizes galore. Special prizes for 'Best Dressed Cowboy and Cowgirl'.  Just complete a Registration Form and book your room before they are all reserved!

Originally submitted by Optimists Debbie & Jay Strever, Billings Breakfast Optimist Club


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