Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What a Great District Convention

What an great convention.  We had 98 members representing 18 clubs from across the District.  We missed those of you who couldn’t come and promise to focus on what we can do to help you.

We have to thank Convention Chair Dennis Farnham (Bozeman Breakfast) and his team for a fantastic job organizing and running this year's Convention.  As promised, Dennis was able to keep the rain away until the day after the convention closed.
OI President Mark Shriver did a wonderful job; he seemed to be involved in everything and I think talked to every single member there.  The Bozeman Breakfast club hosted a 2 hour workshop presentation/open discussion event that focused on OI Renewal from Top to Bottom.  You can read and comment on the reports that came out from this process.  This review will proceed and committees will be formed very soon.  I will Chair this.

I am asking all members to commit yourself to finish our year strong so that we will be, for the fifth consecutive year, a Distinguished District.  That will entail going the extra mile to help this happen.  Finishing strong for our term means starting strong for Governor-Designate Tim’s year and on into Governor-Elect Ted Huber’s year.

Do whatever you can to make your club Honor.  That is the overall guide to measure success.  It also encompasses the growth that we need which is about 140 new regular or FOO members and 1- 25 plus member club or 2 pilot clubs.  Break it down and we are close.  Clubs do not need to cut membership until October 1st.  That will help us reach our goal for 2009-10 and clubs will not be penalized for cuts made on October 1st (we will provide more details on that in a few days).

Please do your own share, help your club members too, help your zone and help other clubs throughout the District.   Get a sense of urgency.it’s the last lap in our relay race so do it now!

You have earned  it!

Darryl Sim
AMS&NW District


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