Thursday, September 19, 2013

District Meetings Announced for 2013-14 Year

The District meets on a quarterly basis to conduct business and run training workshops.  Meetings for 2013-14 are confirmed as:
You can always find the latest summary of information and links to the registration forms at the top right of the District "OptiNews" Blog.

Registration forms and the Agenda for the 1st Quarter District Conference are now available.  We have a complete line-up of training workshops.

2013-14 1st Quarter District Conference Invitation

You are invited to the 1st Quarter District Conference for 2013-14 scheduled for October 18-19, 2013 in Edmonton, Alberta. Enjoy the hospitality of the Alberta Capital Region Optimist Clubs and take the opportunity to meet with the District Team led by our Incoming Governor, Glen Kreller.

Early Registration Deadline: September 30, 2013
Hotel:  Quality Inn West Harvest, 17083 Stoney Plain Road NW, Edmonton, AB. ~ Call (780) 484-8000 or 1-800-661-6993 for reservations.
Agenda:  Conference Agenda and Workshop Schedule
Theme: To be announced.

How to Register: Both a "Kids & Companions Program" are available so you can bring the entire family. Just complete a Registration Form and book your room before they are all reserved!

Submitted by Opt Keivin Wallace, Edmonton Dinner Optimist Club


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