Saturday, January 14, 2012

Early Registration Jan. 20 for 2nd Quarter Board Meeting February 24th and 25th, 2012

Alberta, Montana, Saskatchewan & Northern Wyoming Optimist International District

2nd Quarter Board Meeting
February 24th and 25th, 2012

Great Northern Inn
Hi-Way 2
Havre, MT  59501
Room Rates:
One Queen Bed - $81   Two Queen Beds - $92

Friday Night featuring Hors d’Ouevres, and no-host bar.
Saturday lunch and banquet.

For additional information contact:
Byron or Lisa Ophus

Early Registration
General Registration
Received and paid by  01/20/2012
Received after 01/20/2012
Optimist member      $80.00
Optimist member $90.00
Companion     $80.00
Companion   $90.00

Optimist __________________________  Companion ___________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
Prov/State ________________________Postal Code/Zip ________________________
Club _______________________________ Office Held _________________________

Please mail registration and make checks payable to:
Optimist Club of Havre
PO Box 1291
Havre, MT  59501

Hosted by the Optimist Club of Havre

(A printable Registration Form will be available shortly on the District Website or Blog)


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